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ITEC Day Celebrations 2017-18 (November 16, 2017)

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ITEC Day & International Students Day was organized in Galle for trainees & students from Southern Province, who travelled to India after establishment of the Consulate General of India in Hambantota on 28th November 2010. Beginning 2012, applicants from the districts of Galle, Matara & Hambantota in Southern Province and Monaragala district of Uva province in Sri Lanka are covered by CGI, Hambantota. The reception held on November 16, 2017 at Jetwings Hotel in Galle was graced by Mr.UGD Ariyathilake, Hon’ble Minister for Agriculture & Irrigation, Southern Provincial Government, whose Ministry contributed the maximum ITEC trainees in 2016-17. For ITEC trainees from Monaragala, the Consulate joined hands with AHCI, Kandy in observing ITEC & Intn'l Students Day at Badulla, Uva Province on November 17, 2017. CGI, Hambantota shares consular jurisdiction in Uva province- Badulla dist. is with AHCI, Kandy and Monaragala Dist. is with CGI, Hambantota.

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